apt issue 3 release party!
- Party!
- Michelle Cheever
- Steven LaFond
- Sarah Fawn Montgomery
- Dolan Morgan
- Lam Pham
- Alexis Pope
- Denise Warren
- Carissa Halston
- Randolph Pfaff
We’re gearing up for the release of our third print annual and, with AWP in Boston next year, we’re excited to have so many of our contributors (online and in print) in town for the celebration!
We hope you’ll join us at Lir on Thursday, March 7 at 9pm when editors, Carissa Halston and Randolph Pfaff, will host a slew of talented apt contributors, including:
Michelle Cheever is an Emerson College graduate with a BFA in Writing, Literature & Publishing, as well as a minor in Women and Gender Studies. Her work has appeared in The Huffington Post, InDigest, PANK, Seventeen Magazine, and Thought Catalog. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and has recently published a book of stories, You’ll Miss Me But That’s Good, with Wilde Press. She currently lives in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts.
Steven LaFond is a writer that lives in Arlington, Massachusetts with his wife, Jessica. He received his MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars. When not writing, he co-hosts the Rooms Down the Hallway reading series in Jamaica Plain and announces roller derby across the country under the name “Pelvis Costello.”
Sarah Fawn Montgomery holds an MFA in creative nonfiction from California State University-Fresno and is currently a PhD student in creative writing at University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she serves as Senior Reader for Prairie Schooner. Her work has been listed as notable in Best American Essays and her poetry and prose have appeared or are forthcoming in various magazines including DIAGRAM, Fugue, The Los Angeles Review, North Dakota Quarterly, The Pinch, and Puerto del Sol.
Dolan Morgan lives and writes in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. You can find his work in The Believer, The Lifted Brow, Field, apt, TRNSFR, The North American Review, Armchair/Shotgun, Spork, SAND, and others. His work mythologizing airplane hijackings is featured in the documentary project, Fortnight. Learn more at www.dolanmorgan.com
Lam Pham was born in Midland, TX. He blames his hometown for his love of bleak spaces and quiet struggles. He is currently an MFA candidate at the University of Wyoming. His fiction has appeared in Monkeybicycle, Storyglossia, Mud Luscious Press and more.
Alexis Pope is the author of the chapbook Girl Erases Girl (Dancing Girl Press, 2013). Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Columbia Poetry Review, Sixth Finch, iO: A Journal of New American Poetry, The New Megaphone, Anti-, and elsewhere. She co-curates THE BIG BIG MESS READING SERIES and is Contributing Editor for Whiskey Island Magazine.
Denise Warren is a graduate from the MFA Program for Poets and Writers at University of Massachusetts Amherst. You can see more of her work in Pismire. She currently lives in Wrentham, Massachusetts and works as a copy editor at an advertising agency.
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