Some compelling reasons to subscribe to apt:
“These stories are long, but their language is spare, with no word wasted. The disorderly plots need the space to sort themselves out; or to conclude in an even more thought-provokingly entangled manner than they began.”
— E. Ce Miller on our fifth print annual, The Review Review
“apt showcases a range of talents in this ‘Surveillance Issue.’ Writers eschew traditional forms successfully; the reader constantly considers truths among intriguing points of view, inventive structures, reason propped up against fractured skylines. Unlike other postmodern efforts, where the oddity and ambiguity may permit dodging the meaningful and the political, the writers of apt experiment, yes, but with a careful and brilliant purpose….Per their introductory note, the editors have historically shied away from themes, but this collection is unified subtly, with that characteristic purpose we see in its pages.”
— Mary Florio on our fourth print annual, NewPages
“[apt] has great breadth of voice and style. This issue soars.”
— Tripp Reade on our third print annual, The Review Review
“The contributors to apt: Issue 3 are wise, delivering questions, not answers. Each piece is fresh and inventive. There are sentences and stanzas to savor and thematic patterns to contemplate. Thoughtfully arranged as they are by the editors, the reader is treated to a singular experience.”
— Susan Rukeyser, Sundog Lit
“The collection is filled from cover to cover with strong, daring pieces, which makes it hard to pick any favorites. I call them ‘pieces’ because the editors of the issue have been intentional to blur the lines between prose and poetry. Though it’s hard to be quite sure which you’re reading at a given time, it doesn’t matter. Nearly every piece is filled with fierce narratives and clever surprises. There’s not a single selection in the issue that fades into the background.”
— Sarah Carson on our second print annual, NewPages
“With the breadth and caliber of the writing showcased in its inaugural print issue, apt promises to become a valuable contributor to the restless and ever-evolving literary scene of today.”
— Michelle Bailat-Jones, Necessary Fiction
“Being bent on doing things their own way may just be the fuel behind their success.”
— Jennifer Vande Zande on our first print annual, NewPages