I Feel Most Black by Kamden Hilliard
after Zora Neale Hurston
Wen ashen Wen wundrin thru color W my witch
name Wen wildin out w my wishful drinking
Wen sayin bangbang! Wen still life w negro
spiritual w blown woof Wen Ms. Nakata wanted
2 kno what i preferred how my lines fit Black? or
African American? or Wen while reading
Makes Me Wanna Holler Wen sumhow they knew
i knew how 2 run a train Wen from any cartesian
plane i go 2 whittling down intersectional wastoidism
Wen gay Wen cum 2 slay Wen ill chronic Wen
wilting from 1 dimension Wen years later Wen
i knew y they knew what this world filled in2 me
Wen wiseeyed enuf 2 work unsurprised thru 2day’s
wundrless pain Wen misquoting w a penance
Wen Colored, Kam, yu mean colored
Kamden Hilliard is a reader at Gigantic Sequins, an editor at Jellyfish Magazine, and goes by Kam. They got posi vibes from The Ucross Foundation, The Davidson Institute, and Callaloo. The author of two chapbooks: DISTRESS TOLERANCE (Magic Helicopter Press, 2016) and PERCEIVED DISTANCE FROM IMPACT (Black Lawrence Press, 2017), Kam stays busy. Find their work in The Black Warrior Review, West Branch, Salt Hill, and other sunspots.
(Front page image via)
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