I Have Been Reading a Lot About Myself Lately by Carmella Fleming
I have been reading a lot about myself lately, and most of what I read is not very flattering. At some point in our lives, we all have to cope with distress and pain.
The Christian year begins with a feast in honor of Mary, Mother of God. Gertrude Stein met Alice B Toklas in September 1907.
At a 1999 performance of queer South Asian art and culture in New York City, the stage went dark and the audience heard not the familiar strains of Bollywood songstresses, but rather the chilly electronic beat of Madonna’s 1998 Hinduism-inspired CD Ray Of Light. Think for a moment how important errors have been in your life.
My first encounter with codependence occurred in the early 60s. Why did Adam “give birth” to Eve?
It’s generally recognized that most people have highly individual ways of getting words onto paper. Two terms, “open relationships” and “polyamory” are used almost interchangeably, and can be very confusing.
What is “masculinity”?
That’s entertainment.
In 1989 officials in Charleston, South Carolina, initiated a policy of arresting pregnant women whose prenatal test revealed they were smoking crack.
The ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness. For many of us, there can be no greater honor.
Carmella Fleming received her MA in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. She lives in Los Angeles.
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