Volume Two, Issue Three
January 2013
162 pages, perfect bound
ISBN 9780982374177
ISSN 2159-2446
PDF: approx 1.3MB
Print: $10 SOLD OUT
PDF: $5
Sue Allison’s “Additional Tenses You Should Know”
Alison Baker’s “A Haunted Town”
Meredith Coonce’s “Swallow”
Mary Kate Flannery’s “And Something Else”
Faith Gardner’s “Fucking Earthquakes”
Christian Anton Gerard’s “Wilmot Summons His Grandfather’s Ghost,” “Do You Have Anything of His? Stella Said,” and “You Bent to Smell Artichoke Thistles,”
Alec Hershman’s “Well” and “Spilling My Guts”
Rachel Hinton’s “Anonymous Pulls the Fire Alarm” and “Affair”
Katherine Blaine Hurley’s “Jessica Green Takes Flight”
Nicolette Kittinger’s “Irreconcilable Differences”
David Koehn’s “Breba”
Sarah Fawn Montgomery’s “Two Fighting Fists”
Delaney Nolan’s “Evacuation Route”
Thomas Nowak’s “Rated ‘E’ for Everyone” and “Loading…”
Andrew Plattner’s “Wake”
Alexis Pope’s “I am a housefly and I am sweet relish and I am your favorite flavor of gummy candy.”
Nate Pritts’s “Untitled (10/12/2011)”
Scott Ragland’s “Contributors’ Notes”
Anne Marie Rooney’s “Earthwork and Spider”
Amy Schulz’s “Ritual before Sleep”
Derek Sugamosto’s “Coagulate”
Denise Warren’s “Just When I Woke Up” and “You Were You Anyway”
Andy Yeh’s “Volunteer Work”