Volume Two, Issue One
January 2011
138 pages, perfect bound
ISBN 9780982374115
ISSN 2159-2446
PDF: approx 3.8MB
Print: $10
PDF: $5
Brian Bahouth’s “Evinrude”
David Bartone’s “To Celebrate Like Champagne,” “Omolara,” and “The Affair”
Franco Belmonte’s “Ash Like Snow”
Jimena Berzal de Dios’s “Stairs, Seizing”
Liam Day’s “Come to the Window” and “Archaeopteryx”
Shannon Derby’s “My Third Fiancé”
Cyndi Gacosta’s “The house where we had family reunions,” “The fragile skin of an old woman,” and “A Quiet Pandemonium”
Carissa Halston’s “Hurricane Light”
Christina Kapp’s “The Tea Party”
J.F. Lynch’s “Some Produce” and “Stranger Glances”
Seann McCollum’s “Were We Wireless”
Dolan Morgan’s “Investment Banking in Reverse”
Robin E. Mørk’s illustrations to Dolan Morgan’s “Investment Banking in Reverse”
Pete Mullen’s “The Famine Queen of the House of Hanover”
Randolph Pfaff’s “Forget-me-not” and “Side Streets and Sweethearts”
Vincent Scarpa’s “God Is in Architecture”
Janelle M. Segarra’s “Cave Woman” and “Sweet Vine Bitter Grape”
N. A’Yara Stein’s “Hungry for Color” and “To Have and To Hold”
Curtis Tompkins’s “Politics,” “Modest Thieves,” and “Return”