Issue Twelve Contributors
From Plymouth, Mass, Mike Amado has been writing poetry since age14. Noted for performing lyrical, rhythm-based tomes attuned to the social and semi-political with a Native slant. Multiracial with indigenous blood, he loves his American life, (as savory as a slice of Key-lime pie), but not its Schizophrenic essence. He has been published in the Wilderness House Review and the Bagelbards' anthologies, 1& 2. To quote the author: "I DON'T SLAM! I ROCK." Mike's first book is entitled Poems: Unearthed from Ashes.
Wendy Chapman, 29, is a small town girl who escaped slow death via cultureless, parochial boredom by moving to the Live Music Capitol of the World. In her new locale, she enjoys taking in a punk show at Emo's or cinematic adventures at the Alamo Drafthouse. She appreciates feedback regarding her work, and accepts it at:
Kimberly Duncan-Mooney is a children's book editor who does not write children's books. She graduated from Emerson College, earning a BFA in writing, literature, and publishing. She lives with her partner in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she enjoys food, wine and Food & Wine. Her favorite pie is anything with a good crust - wouldn't be pie without it.
Allison Foster - I presently exist somewhere in New York City where I am also studying in hopes of writing and illustrating books. None of my work has ever been published due to the reality that I have never submitted any, in fact, I probably only submitted my poetry in a drunken stupor. I take pleasure in filling the voids of my life with French films, unreturned affection, and collecting bottle caps. My favorite kind of pie really doesn't matter since I only eat the doughy part, but I do prefer it to be a la mode.
Greg Gerke currently spends time in both Buffalo and Brooklyn. His work has appeared in Pedestal Magazine, Pindeldyboz, Hobartpulp, apt, Rive Gauche, VerbSap, Ghoti and 34th Parallel. He has one book of short fiction: Fiction for a Sound Bitten Age. His website is
Maria Giuliani is a Montreal-based freelance writer of poetry, lyrics, arts reviews, and opinionated randomness. She also produces unquotable notecards for
Carissa Halston, author of A Girl Named Charlie Lester and writer/director of Cleavage, is seventy percent water and fifty percent of Aforementioned Productions. She expects you to accept her fuzzy math.
Jason Jackson has been writing for four years, and has been published at, among others,,, and He has also been published in a number of print anthologies in the UK. His least favourite pie is Humble. It tastes bad. Jason has an occasional blog at
Corey Mesler has published in numerous journals and anthologies. His novel, Talk: A Novel in Dialogue, was released in 2002. His second novel, We Are Billion-Year-Old Carbon, came out in January 2006. He has also published numerous chapbooks. He has been nominated for a Pushcart numerous times, and one of his poems was chosen for Garrison Keillor's Writer's Almanac. With his wife, he runs Burke's Book Store in Memphis TN. He can be found at .
Kimberly D. Robinson - I am a 44 yr old scientist, science teacher, writer, poet, artist, mentor and pianist. I have been writing and doing artwork for over 33 yrs. I currently live in West Chester, PA. I have had work published on MicroHorror, The Erotic Woman, Express Yourself 101 Anthology, A Bunch Of Wordz 2, Fresh!, Thug Works, All About Jazz, and Jacquii's Poetry Spot. Upcoming publications will be in, Mississippi Crow (artwork and poetry), Daily Chills Calendar, Slow Trains and Midnight Times. I am honored to have this opportunity to showcase my work.
Matt Sabonis is working towards getting his bachelor's in English at the University of Illinois at Chicago, doesn't have anything in the way of previously published works, and has a deep love for French silk pie, even if it is uncomfortably sugary.
Douglas Silver lives in New York and works for a registered traveler program (don't worry, he doesn't know what it is either). His publication credits include Dark Phrases, The Columbia Observer , The Vagrant Literary Quarterly, Damn Good Writing, Ya Sou! Online, and others.
Carrie Tong - My creative work has not been published anywhere besides high school publications. I have published some really boring articles on MRI in medical journals. A really boring chapter in a medical textbook is in the works as we speak. I am a radiologist in New York. My favorite pie is Key Lime, but actually if I had to make my ideal pie (and one day I will), it would be key lime on the bottom and the meringue topping of lemon meringue on top - a kind of Key Lim-on Meringue Pie. I hope you like my poem as much as I like pie.